
Open Your Mind to Free Your Soul

The other morning while doing my yoga set, my mind found an interesting perspective. (Thank you, yoga.) For the past few weeks I have been doing a specific yoga set, a Kriya in Kundalini Yoga parlance, called the Pituitary Gland Series. It’s a series of about 10 different poses or asanas. When I first begin

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Ignite the Fire of Your Heart’s Desire!

Messages from Mother Moon ~ The Cosmic Compass Ignite the fire of your heart’s desire! That’s the invitation of this New Moon in Sagittarius exact 1:30 am EST. Write the screenplay for the next 30 years of your life NOW !  The skies are ablaze with the energies of Inspiration. We are poised at the threshold

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Paying Homage to America, the Melting Pot

A long, long time ago, when I was in High School, I was adamant that I was moving to Europe, or South America, or somewhere other than the United States. I was angry. We were fighting with Iraq (over oil), and we still weren’t acknowledging how terrible we were to Africans and Native Americans when we

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Devoted to Love

When I was in high school, I had my first “real” confrontation with religion. My only previous religion-related confrontations being with my father or mother who were trying to get me out of bed early on a Sunday morning to go to church. In other words, not real confrontations. The “real” confrontation first appeared as I was preparing for confirmation.

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